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The Spider Queen, Lady of Spiders 
Holy Symbol - a spider holy symbol
Worshipper Alignments - LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE
Priest Alignments - CN, LE, NE, CE
Domains - Trickery and Drow
Allies of the Faith - Loviatar, Malar
Enemies of the Faith - The Seldarine, Gruumsh
Current Faith Manager - Deity Managed

Lolth (or Lloth) is the goddess of the drow race and drow society. The
Spider Queen secretly wants to be worshiped by humans and elves of other
races on the surface, and sometimes journeys among their communities,
whispering of the power Lolth can bring. Lolth relishes sacrifices made in
her name, particularly elven ones.

Lolth sponsors two deity orders, the Order of Soul Spiders and the Handmaidens
of the Spider Queen.

Followers of Lolth may use their high favor to supplicate (see help supplicate)
for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they are extremely holy, they
may ask for and receive artifacts of Lolth.

* The church of Lolth does not accept non-drow followers.
* Once committed to it you cannot leave, so decide carefully.

For more information on this deity we recommend:
Please ignore all 4th edition and later information.

Related topics...

Dogma of Lloth Drow Domain Handmaidens of the Spider Queen - Lloth
History and Relationships of Lloth List of Deities Militant Myrlochar, Order of Soul Spiders - Lloth
Notable Names in the Faith of Lloth Trickery Domain
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