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Handmaidens of the Spider Queen - Lloth

The Handmaidens of the Spider Queen is an order of female crusaders with
no permanent ties to any individual city. Also known as the Daughters
of the Yochlol, the Handmaidens serve as instruments of Lolth's will in
times when the Spider Queen needs to bring an entire city into line.

At least three times in recoreded history the Handmaidens of the Spider
Queen have assaulted and destroyed an entire dark elven city that
threatened to drift from Lolth's web of chaos. When not assembled into
an army of chaos and vengeance, the Handmaidens work in small companies
scattered throughout the Underdark, harassing merchant trains that look
to other deities for protection and conducting hit-and-run raids on
cities ruled by the clergy of other deities.

To learn more information about this order, try to meet and speak ICly with
a follower of that deity. You cannot roleplay being part of such an order
without the concerned deity's agreement.

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Deity Orders Lolth
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