Online Help


Harassment is giving a person unwanted attention, whether you perceive it
as negative or positive attention. If a person is made to be uncomfortable
by your attention or comments, you are harassing that person. If a person
asks you to desist in talking to them or performing socials on them, and
you do not stop, you are harassing that person. If you act in an intimate
manner to a character, without their permission, you are harassing that

No form of harassment is tolerated in the Kingdoms. We especially frown upon
unwanted comments or actions with a sexual nature or explicit content. If
you do not have an intimate relationship with the person, whether in real
life or within the Realms, you should refrain from using suggestive actions
and/or comments.

If you are caught harassing another player in any way, you can be silenced,
helled, frozen, denied, and/or site banned. Harassing another player is a
serious violation of the rules and will not be permitted. If you choose
to harass an immortal, you will simply be deleted.

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