Online Help


Syntax:  name <newname>

This command allows a PC (who's name has not yet been authorized) to change
their character's name. This may be required if the name is denied.
Example: A new player named Pete has his name denied. To change his
name to 'Arild', Pete would simply type:
NAME Arild.

Forgotten Kingdom's is a Roleplaying mud so your name will have to be
medieval in nature. Good names help add to gameplay and will allow you
to forge an identity for yourself. Simply put, your name should
NOT be:

- Significant and unique enough in popular fiction, history, mythology,
or any religion that such association is distracting to roleplay, such
as 'Gandalf', 'Keldorn', 'Charlemagne', 'Achilles', or 'Jehovah'
- Futuristic or modern, such as 'Laser,' 'Jill,' or 'Eddy'.
- Nonsensical, unpronounceable, or ridiculous.
- Profane or derogatory as interpreted in any language.
- Significant in history, mythology, or any religion.
- Comprised of various capital letters, such as 'BrACkkA' or 'CORTO'.
- Comprised of ranks or titles, such as 'Lord' or 'Master'.
- Any combination of singular descriptive nouns, adverbs, or adjectives,
as in 'Heart', 'Tricky', 'Heartbound', 'Earthstone', or 'Softheart'.
Exception: Parts of speech in common use as names (like Summer, Jade,
Chase, etc.) might be approved, at the administration's discretion.

Please keep in mind that many names have been authorized in the past,
and the
NAME command will not let you use these. The
guidelines above are followed by all immortals. In addition, they
may apply other criteria in denying a name. The final determination as to
the validity of a name on the Realms is the discretion of the Immortals
and is NOT subject to debate or discussion. If your name is denied,
simply follow the guidelines and try a new one.

For more help in choosing a name, please consult this forum entry:

* Please note that as a courtesy to established characters, we try not to
approve names very similar to theirs. A name considered very similar might
be one letter off (Ex: Bobelia and Nobelia or Bonelia), a shortened
version of a name (Ex: Bobelia and Bob), or any similar situation.

* Naming tip: Google and Wikipedia your planned name. Our staff does both
to any name that comes in for authorization, and denies any with connections
to the prohibited categories above, including popular games, movies, etc.

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