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Dwarven Names

Dwarves have a very strong sense of their past and
the heroes in their families. They carry only a first name, followed
by the qualifier of heritage. The lowest dwarves attach themselves
to their state or hold, such as Mongor of the Iron House. Dwarves
with a dwarf of renown in their heritage may use the appellation
"son of" or "grandson of" (or "daul" or "grandaul" for females)
such as Thelarn, son of Mongoth. Beyond two generations, the
phrase "blood of" is used, but only for the greatest dwarven lead-
ers, as in Nor, blood of Ghellin, King-in-Exile of the Iron House.

Some example male names are: Barendd, Brottor, Eberk, Einkil, Oskar,
Rurik, Taklinn, Traubon, Ulfgar, and Veit.

Some example female names are: Artin, Audhild, Dagnal, Diesa, Gunnloda,
Hlin, Ilde, Liftrasa, Sannl, and Torgga.

* Sources:
Ed Greenwood and Jeff Grubb. "Forgotten Realms: A Grand Tour of the Realms."
Lake Geneva, W.I.: TSR, 1993, 23-24.

"The Dwarven Delving."
(Not available on 25 April, 2011.)

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