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Syntax: greet <target>    Greets <target>, and only <target>
Syntax: greet all Greets all PCs in the room, visible or hidden

In Forgotten Kingdoms other players begin the game unknown to you. It is not
until you meet someone and introduce yourself that they know your name and a
little bit about you. The greet command is the way you introduce yourself to
others, code-wise, once you have had an in-character conversation that
reveals your name. Once greeted, your name will be visible to other players
when they encounter you, and they will be able to communicate with you via

Note that there are those characters for whom it is not in their roleplay to
greet many or even any others. For some reason they may see fit to lie about
their name. Please do not use the information on the who list to try and
discredit this player's roleplay, as the information on the who list is
considered to be out of character. Continual badgering of those characters
who do not greet for them to greet is poor form and if continued may result
in some form of punishment.

* If you announce your name publicly, out loud, such that everyone can hear
'greet all' would be the appropriate form of greet to use; but in a busy
place like the Market Square, it is not unreasonable to assume that your
conversation is localized so that only those you are actually speaking with
should have opportunity to hear you (and thus be greeted).

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