Online Help


Syntax:  who 
who character

WHO shows the characters currently in the game. The command shows all who
are in the game, including dead players and those invisable by magic. You will
still see the WHO list while blinded. Immortals who are wizinvis will not appear.

Please note the information in your title is considered IC information through
hearsay. It does not mean the very first time your character meets someone and
are not greeted by them that your character will know all the rumors about an
unknown character by the who list information. It is expected that the who list
information be considered a rumour after a few roleplayed encounters with a
particular character, whether they greet you or not. This does not place them
under any obligation to confirm those rumours, however! (i.e., to GREET you!)

NEW: The WHO command will now automatically invoke CHECK and inform you if you
have a message waiting for you at the magical post.

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Check Game Help - IC Info Commands Greet
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