Online Help

The Score Sheet

Syntax: score  

Score is a sheet filled with your character's statistics. When you type
'score', only you can see what is listed there. Values in white are your
base values, while those in color are the actual values after racial, class,
magical, and other modifiers have been applied.
'Score' specifies the name of
your character, modified by their current title, then their adjective in
parentheses, their class and level, and the number of hours played. Your
hometown is not currently visible on any score sheet, however. For more
information on any
'score, item, choose a menu option below:

Related topics...

Age Alignment Armour Penalty
Carry weight and Items carried Character Statistics Character weight and height
Combat Stats Deities Deity Favour
Description Experience Glory
Guilds Hit Points Load / Carrying Capacity
Magic Maximum Dexterity Bonus (max dex) Mental State
Money System Pets & Mounts (Minions) Race Enemy
Races Sample Score Sheet Saving Throws
Size Speaking/Language Spell Failure
Stamina Strike system The legal/justice system
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