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Pets & Mounts (Minions)

You can buy pets and mounts in the pet shops and stables around the realms. A
character can possess both a mount and pet at the same time: more generally,
a given PC can have up to two minions at any given time. These include pets,
mounts, and followers, and are listed on your SCORE sheet. You are
responsible for the actions of your pets. You can sell most pets back to the
pet shops. You can also
dismiss a pet when you no longer have need of it.

Petsaving is automatic in the Kingdoms. When you purchase a pet, it is loyal
to you until its death. Your pet will automatically save when you save and
quit when you quit. Your pet does not have to be in the same room as you when
you quit, so it is safe to stable your pet for roleplay and quit away from
them. If you die, your pet may still live and vice-versa.

Pets remain loyal until they die. If you lose link your pet may be killed
without you around to protect it. In no instances will pets be reimbursed. Do
not even ask.

* Pets should be roleplayed properly as to the type of pet they are and their
race. If it is a horse, it should not talk, for instance. You should also not
take your pet into places it should not go, like taking a pet into a temple.
If your pet is a bear, do not take it into a city, and so on.

* Note that your opportunity to name a pet comes when you purchase it. Use
the command structure
buy <pet> [pet's name]. For example, buy wolf Fang
would buy the wolf in the inventory of the merchant before you, and name it

* Each pet has a level minimum; if you attempt to obtain a pet before you
have reached the level required for it, you will be told that that pet "is
too powerful for you to handle." Such pets appear with a caret (^) in front
of their price when you ask their merchant for a "
list" of what they sell.

* Minions should not be used to gain an advantage in game without your input.
If you leave an army of undead or summoned minions to collect coins or
resources for you, while you hide safely in town, this is abusive and poor

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