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There are currently 25 possible player races allowed within the Kingdoms.
Some of the races are subraces of a race.

Human ...... Generic race, with no inherent strengths or weaknesses.
Dwarf ...... Short, hardy and hairy; often cantankerous in personality.
Elf ........ Tall, thin and swift like the wind; close to nature and earth.
Halfling ... Short and quick with furry feet and material possessiveness.
Half-Elf ... A mix of Human and Elf; possess the advantages of both.
Orc ........ Large, squat and smelly; usually considered primitive.
Gnome ...... Short mountain dwelling creatures, related to dwarves.
Planetouched Part mortal, and part something else.

Some races cost kismet to make. This is for the following reasons:
* The race should be rare in the kingdoms.
* The race requires some experience to roleplay.
* The race has some skills etc that make it more powerful than other races.
* Monstrous races should be played appropriate to their native alignment,
and not in opposition to it. One Drizzt in the world is sufficient.

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Adventurer's Guide Dwarves Elves
Gnomes Half-elves Halflings
Humans Kismet costs Orcs
Planetouched Races allowed
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