Online Help


Orcs are a species of mammalian carnivores that believe that in
order to survive they must expand their territory so they are
constantly involved in wars against many enemies.

Orcs resemble primitive humans with grey-green skin covered with
coarse hair. They have a stooped posture, a low jutting forehead,
and a snout instead of a nose. Their eyes are human with a reddish
tint that makes them appear to glow red when using darkvision.

Orcs are aggressive humanoids that raid, pillage and battle
other creatures. They have a hatred of elves and dwarves,
and often kill them on sight.

Disclaimer: There is no current guild that accepts Orcish wizards!

Special thanks to Telaris, Talamar and Algon for writing the orc help files.

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Darkvision (ability) Goblins Gray Orcs
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Orcs - Physical description
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