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One-Eye, He-Who-Watches, He-Who-Never-Sleeps, The Great Corrupter
Holy Symbol - An unblinking eye
Worshippers Allowed Alignments - N, CN, LE, NE, CE
Cleric Allowed Alignments - CN, NE, CE
Allies of the Faith - Malar
Enemies of the Faith - The Seldarine, Lolth, Moradin
Domains - Hatred and Prowess
Current Faith Manager - Deity Managed

Gruumsh is the god of the Orc race and Orcish society. The One-Eye is
said to have never found pleasure, only hatred towards others.

Followers of Gruumsh may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they are
extremely holy, they may ask for and receive artifacts of Gruumsh.

For more information on this deity we recommend:
Please ignore all 4th edition and later information.

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Dogma of Gruumsh Hatred Domain List of Deities
Ooma, Big Muddah Shaman o' da One Eye Orcs Prowess Domain
Relations of Gruumsh
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