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Ooma, Big Muddah Shaman o' da One Eye

Rumors abound as to how Ooma, a young novice cleric of the One Eye, ascended
to the position of Lazguoi. One thing that is not disputed is her possession
of Gruumsh's Holy Book of Scripture. How she came about it, in a culture
where males dominate, is debated widely.

The most poopular tale is that of her tending to a mortally wounded elder
priest from a defeated horde. With his dying breath, he gave her the sacred
tome, and uttered, "Ous make sure... dis book... get ta...." then died.

Whatever of the story may be true, Ooma has set out to gather a straggling
band of orcs in the Orc Camp, working closely with the Warboss to build their
number for the glory of Gruumsh. Her mission given by the One Eye, "Make sure
da strong get strongah, an' da weak don' breed!"

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