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Spell Failure

The Spell Failure entry in the scoresheet indicates the percent chance of an
arcane spell failing because of the armour worn by the PC. In casting an
arcane spell, there will be this chance, every time, that the components will
be consumed and the spell forgotten, but the spell not actually doing what it
is meant to do - because of inhibition of the critical motions and
concentration by the armour worn. The heavier the armour worn (in any
location), the greater the chance of spell failure:
Light armour - 10%
Medium armour - 25%
Heavy armour - 45%

* Please note that this applies only to *arcane* spells, those cast by the
Mage class and Bard guild. It does not apply to *divine* spells, those
granted by the Gods and cast by all other spellcasters.

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