Online Help


Magic users need to understand their magic in order to use it effectively.
The information that follows applies to all spell-casters, both divine and

They must learn the rudiments of any spell before they can cast it at all,
and must train diligently to truly master any spell. Spells can be learned
from some NPCs, as well as from PCs who already know them well.

Spells must be memorized before they can be cast. This can be hastened my
meditating, if the PC knows this skill.

There is a lag before casting a spell while you chant. The spell is then cast
and you may continue normally without lag. Many spells require a component or
components to cast. In order to learn new spells, members of the wizard class
will need a spellbook to write them into. What you wear will affect the
success of your spell.

For each particular spell, see the individual help file by typing help <spell

* In order to cast a spell, the caster's primary attribute must exceed the
spell level by at least ten. (Ex. a wizard requires at least 14 intelligence
to cast a 4th level spell.).

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Abilities Affected by Cast
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Priests Resistances and Damage Reduction Spell components
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Stop Use magic device Wizard
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