Online Help


There are over 300 spells available for learning. What spells your character
can learn is determined by class and deity. For information on any particular
spell type help <spell name>. All spells will have their own help file.

Each spell listing contains a description of the spell and its effects,
accompanied by the following info on each spell:

ACIDSHIELD <--------------------- Name of spell Evocation [Acid]
<--------------- Sphere of spell
Range: Personal <----------------- Range of
the spell
Target: Self <-------------------- Target of the spell Syntax: cast
'acidshield' <------- command syntax for the spell

The command "spells" reveals a list of spells that are available to your
spellcasting character. Each spell can be written in different colours, which
at times can be difficult to make sense of.

Greenish-blue is the colour which lets a wizard know that the spell is
learnable, but that they have not learned it yet. Corresponding to that,
is the colour that lets a spellcasting character see that they have learned
that particular spell. There are two other colours used as well. Pale white
(the colour used for the main text in this helpfile) means that the spell is
one of the specific, specialised spells available to that guild, for example,
"charm person" would be in this colour in an enchanter's spell list. When a
wizard sees a spell written in
bright white that means that the wizard has
learned the spell.

yellow spell in the spells list (for priests only) shows a priest's domain

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