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Learning Spells

Upon creating a spellcasting character, you will most likely know at most one
spell, that which you chose during character creation. As a spellcasting
character, broadening your repertoire of spells may well be one of your
primary goals since learning spells allows you to (in the case of a wizard)
transfer them into your spellbook, and (for all casters except bards)
memorize, prepare and cast them as your own. Your character can find spells
by searching out trainers who can teach the spell to you using the TRAIN
command, learning them from scrolls and spellbooks by using the WRITE
command, or by apprenticing to a master, who may be able to impart his or her
own spells to you by using the TEACH command or scribe spells for you to copy
into your own spellbook. An enterprising caster will likely learn through a
combination of these methods.

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