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Syntax: write <book name|scroll name> 

This command is used to copy a spell from a magical scroll or a rare tome of
magic into a wizard's own spellbook. It will only work when the character
does not know the spell, but is able to learn it both in level and guild.
This command will only work for wizards and clerics.

Spells may be written from any scroll, but if the scroll contains multiple
spells, only the first spell listed can be written, and the entire scroll
will be consumed in the attempt (successful or not). Thus, a "scroll of
fireshield, dispel magic, dispel magic" can only be used to write the
fireshield spell, and the entire scroll will be destroyed in doing so. The
two dispel magics on the scroll will be sacrificed, and there is no way to
write the dispel magic spell from that particular scroll.

* Your chance of successfully scribing a spell hinges on your skill in
spellcraft. If you have no skill in spellcraft, you will never succeed in
writing a spell into your spellbook. Scrolls are consumed on unsuccessful
write attempts.

* Please note that if you are attempting to write a note in the game you
should use the 'note write' command. See
help note.

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Learning Spells Note Scribe
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