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Syntax: scribe <spell name>  

A wizard or cleric of sufficient level holding a 'blank scroll' and a quill
may use this skill to imbue the scroll with magic. In order to use the skill
successfully, the spell you wish to scribe must be memorised three times. You
will also need the components needed to cast the spell all three times.

* Up to three spells can be scribed onto a scroll, but much more risk comes
with scribing the second and third spells. There is a risk of the scroll
catching flame and causing potential damage to caster or equipment.

* This skill is affected by the type of armour you wear. Heavier armour will
increase your chance of failure in this skill.

* Spells of any level can be scribed.

* Scribing scrolls gives experience.

* In order to use a scroll's magic, one can 'recite' it.

* Wizards can also use a spell on a scroll to 'write' the spell into their
spellbook, in order to learn the spell.

* Some special spells can not be scribed: including astral walk,
gate, teleport, and weird.

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Cleric Skills Druid Skills Quills
Recite Scroll Wizard Skills
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