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Wizards are the weakest class in terms of physical strength, but they are
second to none in the magical arts. Wizards often possess the sharpest minds
of their race, for their intellects must grasp some of the realm's most
powerful spells. The vast capabilities of learned wizards make them a
sought-after commodity in the Kingdoms, because their spells can easily mean
the difference between victory and defeat. Wizards may choose to use their
powers for good or evil, and may specialize by joining a guild.

* Once a wizard specializes into a school of magic, spells from their
school's opposed school(s) will be closed off to them, but they will become
more powerful with the spells of their own school. Wizards may also join the
mages guild, which does not favor any school over any other. Until they join
a guild, wizards can learn only level 0 cantrips and level 1 spells.

* Wizards begin with no armour or shield proficiency

* Being physically weak, wizards are the hardest PCs to start. They will
need to turn to others for help until they gain some mastery with
spellcasting, and even once such is gained their physical frailty often
requires they travel with others in order have a chance to put their spells
to use.

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