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Wizard Guilds

Wizards may remain generalists (called Mages), or specialize into one of
seven specialist schools. If a wizard chooses to specialize, they will become
more powerful with the spells of their chosen school, but at a cost: they
will find themselves unable to learn any of the spells of their opposed
schools, as listed in the table below:

Specialist Guild Specializes In Barred from Spells of
================ ============== ==============================
Invoker Evocation Conjuration/Enchantment
Transmuter Transmutation Abjuration/Necromancy
Illusionist Illusion Necromancy
Enchanter Enchantment Evocation
Necromancer Necromancy Illusion
Conjurer Conjuration Evocation
Abjurer Abjuration Transmutation

* Please note that we do not offer Diviners (specialization in
divination) as a guild option in FK, because the spells of that school
are quite limited, a result of the coded nature of the game.

* Specialized wizards gain one additional spell slot for each level of
spell they are able to cast, usable only for a spell in their specialty.

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Abjurers Conjurers Divination Spells
Enchanters Illusionists Invokers
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Transmuters Wizard
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