Online Help

Colour in Descriptions

You have the ability to use color in descriptions. You are 
required to use colour tastefully and to use it only to emphasise
particular aspects of your character, i.e. hair colour, eye colour,
scarring, tattooing.

Colour should enhance rather than detract. A general rule of thumb
is to use no more than four colors in a description (including a base
color if you choose to set one).

Excessive colour detracts from roleplay when someone tries to look
at you the PC but is distracted by the colour instead.

The following are a few examples of good colouring:
A dwarf chooses brown as the base colour of her description but
red to emphasize the forge burns on her hands.

Likewise an elf might choose green as a base color and highlight
that description with his
hair and eye colour.

Help feralcolour lists the colors available for use in a
description. You should only use those codes listed in the second
paragraph in your description. Note that these color codes must be
bracketed with curly brackets in order to function, otherwise you
will simply end up with the number in your description.

Thus to achieve a description that looks like this:

A dwarf chooses brown as the base colour of her description
but uses
red to emphasize the forge burns on her hands.

You would use the following when editing your description:

}30}A dwarf chooses brown as the base colour of her
description but uses }90
}red to emphasize the forge
burns on her hands.

Again - use colour to enhance your description, not detract from it.
If an immortal asks you to change the colours in your description, do
so immediately.

Related topics...

Colour Codes Description
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