Online Help


A player may purchase a cart in order to move around large amounts of
objects. The cart will need to be hitched to something large enough to pull
it around. For instance your pet if it is the kind to pull a cart could do so
providing the cart is one size smaller than it. Note that it MUST be in
character for your pet to pull the cart. We do not want to see wizards
familiar owls pulling carts for instance.

A cart can be hitched up to anyones mount or themselves. So in this manner
carts can be used by groups or stolen. A cart will save outside of the room
you and your mount are in and will be removed from the game when you are not
in the game.

Note: If you are a dwelling owner, you cannot leave your cart in your
storeroom. The code will not save your cart if it is left in your storeroom.
It is unwise to bring a cart into a storeroom at all - if the game crashes,
all contents of either or both could be lost completely.

Please make sure that it is IC for your mount to pull a cart. For instance a
flying griffon pulling a cart is unrealistic.

You may only own one cart at a time. If you already own a cart and then you
purchase another, your first cart will be dismissed. Characters should also
be careful when using the floating disc spell. If you own a cart and create a
disc using the spell, your cart will be dismissed.

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Animal Empathy / Claim Dismiss Hitch
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