Online Help


Characters have the opportunity to join various organisations. These
organisations are based on those available in Forgotten Realms. Some of them
are secret and others are very open. Characters are only able to join one of
these organisations, and which one they will join will depend on such factors
as hometown, alignment, and roleplay. To find out more general information
about any of the organisations choose a menu link below. To join a character
will need to find out in character.

Also note joining some of these organisations with one character may mean
that you cannot join another of the organisations with another alternative
character. Make sure you are aware of the restrictions. Each individual help
details what organisations you may not have alternative characters in.

The Greyclaws guild has been removed as a player run organisation option.

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Adventurer's Guide Bregan D'aerthe Induct
Knights of Myth Drannor Mercenary bands, adventuring parties and fellowships The Ebon Spur
The Harpers The Night Masks The Shadow Thieves
The Spy Guild The Zhentarim
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