Online Help

Config System

Syntax:  config +<option>
config -<option>

This command allows you to change settings that affect the automatic
behaviour of your character or the appearance of the MUD. Typing CONFIG alone
shows you your current settings. With a plus or minus sign and an option,
CONFIG turns that option on or off. The options are:

AUTOEXIT You automatically see exits.
NOFLEE If set, you don't automatically try to flee when link-dead
AUTOLOOT You automatically loot items from corpses.
AUTOASSIST You automatically assist group members in combat.
AUTOGOLD You automatically retrieve coins from corpses after combat.
BLANK You have a blank line before your prompt.
BRIEF You see brief descriptions only.
COMBINE You see object lists in combined format.
PROMPT You have a prompt.
TELNETGA You receive a TELNET GA sequence.
NOINTRO Toggle whether you see the graphic screen at login.
PRIVACY You allow players to access your online status with 'finger'.
GAG If set, you only see combat attacks which hit their target,
not misses.
REPEAT You use numbers to repeat commands.
SWIM If unset, you cannot move into rivers, sea, and other areas
that require swimming.
* VNUM You see the vnum of rooms, objects and mobs.
SURRENDER You automatically surrender if stopped by the authorities.

* Note: Options listed with a '*' are not available to all players.
The options are determined on council membership and level.

* Do not place a space between the +/- and the option to toggle.
For example, you should type
config +autoloot not config + autoloot.

* The old "ANSI" option is no longer controlled by CONFIG. Instead, use the
COLOUR <on|off>

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