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Syntax: colour <on|off>
colour reset
colour <colour field> <foreground colour> [background colour]
colour list

The colour command is used to customize the colours in your display.

colour <on|off>: Turns the colour on or off.

colour reset: Resets all of your colour settings to the default colour
scheme set for your account.

colour: Shows a list of all colour fields and their current setting.

colour <colour field> <foreground colour> [background colour]: This changes
the colour fields shown in Color. For any colour field which displays to
others (say, yell, tell, etc.) you may not choose a background colour.
Those are to be left at the default backgrounds.

colour list: This shows a list of all available colours and backgrounds
with the numbers used in the command above.

Changing your accounts colour scheme is done at the account level using
option number 5 at the account menu. After changing the colour scheme at the
account level use the colour reset command when you log a character on
to ensure that the colours are set to the account defaults.

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Colour Codes Colour in Descriptions VT help
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