$bPrintedMenuBar = true;
function printMenuJavaScript()
global $bPrintedJavaScript, $TEST_DIR;
if ( !$bPrintedJavaScript )
Online Help
Swearing, cursing and idioms
In order to maintain both our setting (the Forgotten Realms)
and a little bit of civility in the game, we ask that people
be a little creative with their profanity in the game. Now,
certainly adventurers are often not the most "lace curtain"
members of society and they will want to lash out verbally.
This is fine, so long as they so it in a manner that is both
consistent with the setting and in a manner that is merciful
to gentler (or younger) ears.
There are a number of examples available from the links here
below and there are many resources on the internet. e.g. the
Renaissance Faire's random Elizabethan insult generator:
Know your audience and be smart about it. If someone offends
you then speak to them directly, OOC or IC, about it. If you
still cannot resolve the issue then resort to the Complaints
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