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Dwarven language

Dwarves speak Dwarven, which has its own runic script. Dwarven literature is
marked by comprehensive histories of kindoms and wars through the millennia.
The dwarven alphabet is also used with minor variations for the Gnome, Giant,
Goblin, and Orc languages. Dwarves often speak the languages of their friends
(humans and gnomes) and enemies.

Visit the following web site for detail pages on dwarven speak. Pay
particular attention to the "Speak like a Dwarf" and "AD&D Dwarven Word

Note: We expect ALL of our dwarves to speak like a dwarf as outlined in these
web pages. We did not create dwarves as a race for players simply to have
them act like short stocky humans.

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Accent Dwarves List of Languages
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