Online Help

Death Before Level Ten

If you die before reaching level ten, the gods will grace you with an
immediate return to the realms of the living. Depending on the depth of your
experience, with both life and death, one of two things will happen:

1. If you are relatively inexperienced, your entire corpse, including your
belongings, may be returned to your home town, with a single hit point, as
if someone had dragged you there and you had been raised from the dead, but
without the lengthy weakness and malaise that usually accompanies this

2. If your experience upon Faerun and in the Realms of the Dead is more
extensive, your body will remain where it fell, and you will find yourself
alive in your hometown, but without your possessions, as if you had been
resurrected. You will need to return to your corpse (as described in the
Corpses helpfile) in order to retrieve your belongings.

Note that this kindness of the gods ends abruptly when you reach level ten.

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