Online Help


If you die, your corpse will remain where you fell, carrying
upon it your possessions at the time of your death. It will
decay in about five real-life days. Decay occurs whether or
not you are actively playing; it occurs if you are link dead
or logged off. Your corpse will be described by the name of
the dead PC if you have greeted the one viewing it. If not,
he or she will see it described by your PC's adjectives.

e.g. the corpse of Bob or the corpse of an ugly male human

Objects in Corpses

- Corpses contain all objects carried by the PC at the time
of death.

- Objects should not be taken from player character corpses,
but there are exceptions (see
help looting corpses).

- Objects remaining on the ground after a PC's corpse decays
may be taken, but with the in-character risk of that dead PC
coming later to claim them.

* All interaction with objects in corpses is logged.

Disposition of Corpses

- Corpses can be buried. (
bury corpse, help bury)

- Corpses can be burned. (
cook corpse, help cook)

- Corpses can be sacrificed. (
sacrifice corpse, help sacrfice)

- Corpses can be taken to a Corpse Conservatory (there is a
corpse conservatory in Waterdeep and one in Zhentil Keep).

* There may be in-character benefits or consequences for any
of these actions.

Related topics...

Cook Corpse Conservatory Death
Dig, Bury Link Dead Looting Corpses
Raise Dead Resurrection Returning to Life
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