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Syntax: cast resurrection <player> 

Cast by a high-level cleric, the resurrection spell returns a dead character
to life. The resurrection prayer can be cast by a PC priest from anywhere,
and the corpse of the one who is being resurrected need not be present. The
character will return to life at the spot where the caster of the spell is.
The corpse, if any, will remain wherever it lies at the time the spell is
cast, along with any of the fallen individual's equipment. This is the best
option for returning from the dead, but it is not always available. It is
expensive to cast and takes a toll on the cleric, leaving them tired and

Resurrection can also be prayed for directly from a deity, through
SUPPLICATion. If the deity deigns to answer the call, their work will
function as does the resurrection spell, save that the resurrected character
will find themselves reborn, naked, in a holy shrine of their faith. (This is
when you will be glad to have a few coins in your bank account, if not an
alternate set of equipment stashed somewhere you can get to without a key!)

The after-affects of death cause your stats to be temporarily lowered, though
far less severely with resurrection than with being raised or reincarnated.

Resurrection does not cause any loss of experience.

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