Online Help

Returning to Life

If you die, but feel that your character's time on Faerun is not truly ready
to draw to a close, there are five ways to return to life. These are:

1. Raise dead. A player who is a priest may be able to cast this on your
corpse to return you to life. A player who isn't a priest will be able to
bring your corpse to an NPC priest and pay them to raise you.

In order to raise a PC through this mean leave the PC's corpse over the
ground in the same room that a NPC healer is and type "heal raise dead
charactername" where charactername is the PC's character name.

2. Resurrection. Players who play more powerful priests are also able to cast
'resurrection', which works even if they can't find your corpse. NPC priests
typically find casting this spell too onerous to be able to offer it as a

3. Supplication. If you have dedicated yourself to your deity and have their
favour, you may cast yourself at their mercy and beg to be returned to life.

4. Praying. If you have not dedicated yourself to a particular god or goddess
and yet cannot accept your fate, you may throw yourself to the mercy of
anyone who will listen by praying to the pantheon.

5. Reincarnation. If none of the options above are available to you, you may
put yourself through the torment caused by reincarnation. Each time you do
this, you will find your health weaker, so it should be considered a last
[Reincarnation causes your character to permanently lose one
constitution point!]

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