Online Help


If you are new to the Kingdoms, type help for a comphrehensive
menu-driven help system. Furthermore, below you will find a few help files
which will help you get acquainted with our world.

A few important things to remember:

1. This is a roleplaying MUD. That means that you should act as your
character would; including mannerisms, dress, and general behaviour.
It also means you should not be at all shy about talking with other player
characters! You won't truly enjoy the game until you start interacting!

2. Killing other characters, known as PKilling, is allowed with limitations on FK.
PK's must be well roleplayed before using the murder command.
Use caution when doing this, however, or you may end up with MANY
YOU MUST READ HELP PKILL before attempting this.

The game will react differently to you as you gain experience. Do not
assume that things will not change as you progress! In particular, consult
the helpfile on death...and
don't give up on your character if you die!

4. If you can't figure something out using the help files, please don't
hesitate to use the
ASK command! We want to help you learn!

5. Your character's alignment is key to their IC interactions, and should guide
your roleplay of them. However, you may obtain help OOCly from any character
of any alignment, and alignment does not "control" whether you can interact
with another PC, just how that interaction is most likely to unfold.

Pay attention to your host creature as it leads you on a tour through your
starting temple. They have a great deal of information and knowledge to share
with you. You have free
RECALL to the main square in your home town until
you reach level 10 - you are encouraged to use it, but please do not abuse it.

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