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Raise Dead

Syntax: cast 'raise dead' <player> 

Allows a player priest or npc to return a corpse to life. The corpse must be
present to use the raise dead spell. Use of raise dead will incur a loss of
experience on the player being raised. This option is not available once the
corpse has decayed. Raise dead is the most common means of returning to life.

NPC priests will explain the healing spells they have available in response
to the
'heal' command. To ask them to raise another PC, place the corpse on
the ground in front of the priest (do not give them the corpse). Then use the
'heal' command to determine the donation required to the healer's church in
order to have them perform the sacred rite. With coin in your inventory,
issue the command
'heal raise dead'.

* Make certain that it is IC for your character to make such a sizeable
donation to the church of the healer in question.

* If a corpse is too heavy for you to lift, you can 'shove' or 'drag' it,
though this is far less dignified than carrying them.

* Unfortunately, NPCs can not be raised, including pets - save by divine
intervention, which is very rare indeed.

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