Online Help


Syntax: 'supplicate <supplication>'

Supplicate begs your deity (if you have one) for aid. You may supplicate
for any of the following:

Object -- summons an object of the deity
Recall -- instantly transports your PC to a shrine of their faith
(bypassing even a norecall flag, i.e., this works even in
places where a potion, scroll, or spell of recall won't!).
Resurrection -- brings a PC back to life in a shrine of their faith

There are three possible objects that can be supplicated for. In order to
make sure you get a different one, you must make sure you are wearing any
objects that you have already received.

Your deity will only heed your prayers if you are sufficiently favoured
in their eyes; and when you supplicate, your favour level drops.

Related topics...

Corpses Deities Deity Favour
Recall Resurrection Uncoded deities
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