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Conjuration (teleport)
Range: Unlimited
Target: Caster and his or her possessions only
Syntax: recall
cast 'word of recall'

With a scroll or potion of 'word of recall' you can instantly return from
most areas to your hometown. Characters under level 10 are able to recall
without a scroll or potion by simply typing

Note that any pets you have will not recall with you unless you give them
their own recall potion to take. Make sure before you do this however it
is in character for them to drink a potion from you.

Players who
SUPPLICATE RECALL will find themselves deposited in a
holy shrine of their faith.

* Player characters under level 10 should use recall as an OOC
safety net. It is meant as a "life line" for when you are lost or about to be
killed. It is NOT a personal teleporter to alleviate the drudgery of walking.

* The pre-level-10 free recall command will not work during combat.

* There are locations in the realms where recall will not work!

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