Online Help


Syntax: pray <deity name> <message>
Syntax: pray gods <message> (to pray to all of the gods at once)

You can communicate with all the deities or a particular deity by using the
pray command. All prayers are logged to a note board so that even if the
deity you pray to is not on line at the time, your prayer will eventually be
Pray is for in character use ONLY. If you have an OOC issue or
question, even if you believe it can only be solved by an imm, please use the
ASK channel.

You may pray to the gods for help IC even if you do not follow a god. For
instance if you have died, and do not follow a god, you can still pray to the
gods or a god for aid.

* Because the prayer board can get very full we ask that you only use the pray
command for important prayers, like wanting to follow, informing the deity of
important roleplay or if in need of extreme in character help. For common
prayers like burial rituals we ask that you use says and smotes.

* Beginning players are encouraged to pray often, when they need help.
As you become more seasoned, however, you should become more judicious in your
decision to pray to the Gods, lest they tire of you and ignore your plea when
you find yourself in a true time of need, when only they can help you.

* Gods will not act on a prayer while you are logged out or idling. You
must be logged in and paying attention as a player (even if your PC is dead)
when a deity tries to aid you, in order for that to come to pass.

* Please do not use the pray command more than once to express your interest
in a faith. The faith list and a single prayer are more than enough.

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Ask Aural Communication Returning to Life
The Prayer Board
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