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Syntax:  sacrifice <object/corpse>  

Sacrifice offers an object to the gods, or deity. The gods may or may not be
pleased with your sacrifice depending on which deity you follow, if any. It is
expected that when sacrificing a PC corpse that you fully roleplay the
sacrifice. Also when sacrificing mobile corpses you will offend others you
are roleplaying with if it is not something that is part of their own
religion. The gods may not be impressed if you sacrifice corpses of foes
that are considered to be beneath your abilities.

IMPORTANT: Sacrifice of corpses is considered evil in nature. The goodly
equivalent action is cremation, accomplished by the command COOK CORPSE. Be
very careful not to cremate the body of a fallen fellow player, though!

Sacrifice of PC corpses and some objects generates a log.

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Cook Corpses Object Commands
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