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Dogma of Waukeen

Waukeen teaches that mercantile trade is the best road to enrichment.
Increasing the general prosperity of all buys ever-greater civilization and
happiness for intelligent folk Faerunwide, bringing everyone close step by
step to the Golden Age that Waukeen says lies ahead-if people conduct
themselves rightly. It is the duty of all who believe in the Merchants'
Friend to destroy no trade goods, raise no restrictions to trade, and
propagate no malicious rumors that may harm trade (such as saying that
grapes;from Chessenta are poisoned or that Cormyrean carved furniture
contains;boring worms that Cormytes are trying to export to the lands of
competitors). Indeed, such rumors are to be challenged when heard and refuted
if possible.

Faithful of Waukeen should give money freely to beggars and businesses alike,
both to demonstrate the bounty of the goddess and the wealth to be gained by
service to her and to increase the free coin in everyone's hands. If everyone
has more than enough coin to spend, the tendency to hide and hoard is less
and the urge to buy this or that all the greater-and more things are bought,
and everyone is the richer. Through riches the lives of all are made better,
and the Golden Age draws nearer.

Novices of Waukeen are charged: "Worship me, and you shall know wealth. To
guard your funds is to venerate Waukeen and to share them well seeds your
future success. Call on me in trade, and I will be there. The bold find gold,
the careful keep it -and the timid yield it up."

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