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The Merchant's Friend
Holy Symbol - a gold coin holy symbol with a woman's head
Domains - Travel and Trade
Worshipper Allowed Alignments - Any
Cleric Allowed Alignments - NG, LN, TN, CN, NE
Followers - Waukeenar
Allies - Lliira, Gond
Enemies - Mask
Current Faith Manager - Deity Managed

Waukeen is the goddess of Merchants, Traders, the Wealthy, and Rogues (those
who learn the thiefly art in order to fight thieves). Her priests can be of
any neutral alignment.

Waukeen, also known as the Merchant's Friend, rules over deals done above and
below the table. She believes that merchantile trade is the best road to
enrichment. She frowns upon destroying good trade goods, and favours those
who propogate no malicious rumors that could harm someone's commerce.

Followers of Waukeen may use their high favor to supplicate (see help
supplicate) for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they are
extremely holy, they may ask for and recieve artifacts of Waukeen.

For more information on this deity we recommend:
Please ignore any 4th edition and later information.

Related topics...

Dogma of Waukeen Gilian Orebearer, Coinspeaker of Waukeen Kesiel Tingilinde, Holycoin of Waukeen
List of Deities Notable Names in the Faith of Waukeen Serving Waukeen
Trade Domain Travel Domain
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