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Gilian Orebearer, Coinspeaker of Waukeen

For generations, clan Orebearer has served dwarven kingdoms as
respected smiths and faithful advisors. Gilain Orebearer was raised in that
image, growing into a well known crafter and sagely advisor. Unlike
many of his kind, Gilain was not content at the forge. He favored trade
and travel rather than smithing and combat. He honored his roots,
offering respect and gifts to the faiths of the dwarven community
whenever he could, but he knew his heart was not with Moradin.

As Gilain grew in skill and knowledge, he struck out from Mithril Halls
and began trading with various folks he met, bartering ore for food, metal
for information, and metal works for new and interesting items. In time,
he found his way to a small bank, tended by a Waukeenar priest. Gilain
was familiar with the faiths of non-dwarves from his travels, but knew
little beyond their names, so he stayed at the bank for a time and listened
to the priest's tales. It wasn't long until Gilain realized his true path was
to follow the Merchant's Friend, and he soon joined the ranks of Waukeen's

Gilain's reputation as a master smith and a fair merchant grew quickly
as he travelled the realms. His name soon became linked with the
mention of quality goods or the Merchant Friend's faithful in most
cities of the realms, yet he still remained true to his roots, aiding his
fellow dwarves wherever possible.

In recent years, Gilain has served as Waukeen's voice to Waterdeep
and other cities, ensuring Her interests in trade and the well-being
of merchants are heard and respected. In his spare time, he honors
his humble beginnings by maintaining a small, out-of-cart trading
business and crafting various weapons and armor of superior

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