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Dwelling creature and construct wardings

Rooms in your dwelling can be protected by a special warding that when it
activates a creature is pulled from the walls or the floor to defend your
property. Please note that you can only have ONE of the following wardings
in a room, you may choose different ones for different rooms however.
Additionally in some cases there must be material in the walls or floor
that match that which the construct/creature is made from. Make sure
also that it is in character for your character to call forth some of
these creatures. ie A priest of Kelemvor would not call forth a skeleton
ward. It must also be in character and make sense for a PC to have walls
or floor made of the required material, this aspect is recorded in the room
description. There must also be a statue of the construct/creature in the
room description in most instances. If the dwelling administrators
believe that it is not in character or make sense, then we will reject
the application for such a ward.

* Skeleton ward - 1000 gold - Calls forth a skeleton. Requires an
evil dwelling owner and bones in the room.
* Alabaster harpy ward - 1500 gold - Calls forth an alabaster harpy.
Requires an alabaster harpy statue object in room description.
* Stone gargoyle ward - 2500 gold - Calls forth a stone gargoyle.
Requires walls or roof of stone, and can only be used outdoors. It also
requires gargoyles in the room description.
* Zombie - 1000 gold - Calls forth a zombie. It requires a corpse
in the room. The corpse will need to be brought to Buffy's resident
necromancer for preservation. This ward only works in treasury's and
* Wooden golem - 1800 gold - Calls forth a wooden golem. Requires
a wooden statue in the room description.
* Stone golem - 2500 gold - Calls forth a stone golem. Requires that
there be a stone statue in the room description.
* Iron golem - 4000 gold - Calls forth an iron golem. Requires that
a metal statue be in the room description.

Note like any other ward, these wards only offer a percentage of protection.

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Dwelling general locks and wardings Dwelling objects
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