Online Help

Dwelling general locks and wardings

You can lock and ward doors in your dwelling. Wards are not infalible.  
This means they only have a percentage protection and that sometimes luck
can mean that a thief can by pass the ward. However, they run the risk of
great harm trying to see if they can. You can also purchase a ward for
money boxes.

* Simple Door Lock - 100 gold
* Glyph of Warding on Door Lock - 300 gold - Prevents doorbash from working.
* Fire trap on Door Lock - 400 gold - Prevents pass door spell from working.
* Poison trap on Door Lock - 400 gold - Prevents pick lock from working.
* Money box ward - 200 gold - Prevents pick lock
* Hidden door - 200 gold - Hides the entrance from the unaware.
* Shrieker ward - 3000 gold - An alarm sounds that can be heard for miles.
* Creature/Construct ward - Varying costs - See seperate help file for info.

(NB:) The shrieker ward will only work in rooms that are indoors and dark.

Soon to come is an arcane door lock that will help prevent the use of the knock
spell on your doors. This requires a hard code tweak in order to be
implemented. Check this help file periodically as we will add it as soon as
it is coded.

Related topics...

Dwelling creature and construct wardings
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