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Sun Elves

Sun elves are responsible for many of the great elven nations 
through Faerun's history. While most live on Evermeet, Island Home of
the Elven People, many sun elves are returning to the mainland to
restablish their prescence there. They are also famed for their
control of both arcane, and divine magic, which exceeds that of any
other race on Faerun. Sun elves are also sometimes referred to as Gold

Sun elves have bronze skin, hair of blonde, copper, or black, and
generally green or golden eyes. With their preternatural grace and
beauty, they embody all that it is to be an elf. Of all the elven
subraces, Sun elves are the most arrogant and haughty, even more so
than avariels, the winged elves who pity any bound to the land. Sun
elves believe that they are the true elves, and often lament loudly
that the other elven subraces do not live up to their exacting

Sun elves are the foremost practioners of Elven High Magic. While
some Moon and Copper elves are also High mages, the majority are Sun
elves. They excel at all forms of magic, be it arcane or divine and
even those who follow a warriors path, sometimes learn a bit of magic
to bolster their combat skills. Sun elf priests are the pinacle of
this very religious subrace. They form the heart of any elven army
as well as serving as counsellors to elven leaders and communities.
Sun elves believe they are the mortal representatives of the
Seldarine. Most often offer prayers to all the Seldarine, and sun
elves generally chose Corellon Larethian as their patron deity.

* Sun Elves are automatically set as hopefuls of Corellon because
of their unique relationship with the Seldarine. Players may apply for
their PC's
faith level to be changed and applications will be considered
on a case-by-case basis.

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