Online Help

Example Building Application

Here is an example of an application that includes necessary
information for approval. Things that must be included are:
Account name, area name (new or existing), what you want to
do (describe your new area idea or describe your proposed
changes to an existing one), how you want to do it (will you
build on-line, off-line, or only do the soft or hard part of
the project), why would this benefit the game?

Account Smith: The Temple of Elemental Evil

I read in the building project post that you all need some
new adventure/quest areas and so I thought about making the
Temple of Elemental Evil from the classic Greyhawk adventure
module. I would build off-line (it would be my first area!)
and I think that I will need some help with the coding. I'm
okay with the descriptions. This area would be great for a
higher-level quest and would give higher-level PCs somewhere
new to adventure.

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