Online Help

New Builders

Area Building is a very accessible endeavor that any player,
if their application is accepted, is able to attempt. There
are some limits on the methods that a new builder is allowed
to use however. Any of these requirements may be waived by
the Area Administrators. If you would prefer only to be a
to be only a "soft" or "hard" builder then please indicate
this in your application and you will be paired up with some
one willing to perform the complementary function.


-Limited to 50 VNUMs (50 rooms, 50 mobiles, 50 items).
*Note: New builders are no longer required to build off-line
but it is encouraged for those who wish to learn the system.
Builders beginning on-line will omit steps four through six.


1-Submit an application requesting to build (see example).
2-Receive access to Builder Council Forums.
3-Post in "Areas Under Construction".
4-Build your area off-line using a text editor like MS Notepad.
5-Submit your product for review to the Area Admins.
6-Make Corrections.
7-Receive access to the test port.
8-Post your area to the test port and complete it.
9-Submit your area for final review by the Area Admins.
10-Once approved, your area will be posted to the game port.
11-Create a help file for your area and submit it to Area Admins.

Builder Lessons:

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Example Building Application OLC Veteran Builders
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