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A feat is a special feature that either gives your character a new capability
or improves one he or she already has.

Your character will receive a feat point every eight levels. Your character
also starts out with one feat point upon creation. You can see how many feat
points your character has, and what feats are available to them, by typing
'feats'. A feat is something that you either have or you don't; there
is no practicing it like a skill in order to improve. Often a feat will enhance
a skill you already have.

* The feats command will show one or more dashes next to each feat to
indicate ranks in the feat that are available to you, but that you do not
currently have. Ranks in feats that you DO have show up with an asterisk (*)
next to them. Multiple dashes indicate that multiple ranks are available in
that feat, and each time you train one of these one of the dashes is replaced
with an asterisk. Each time you train a feat, you spend a feat point.

* Do not attempt to train feats in the same manner you do skills and other
abilities! You will generally train a feat only once - attempting to train
it again will only make you better at it if multiple ranks are available in
it, and you spend an additional feat point for each rank - which can leave
you with no feat points for other feats.

* Many feats will have pre-requisites that you will have to satisfy in order
to gain ranks in them. These might include being a member of a specific
guild or class, satisfying certain statistics requirements, a level minimum
or maximum, etc.

* Some feats require that you set up a combat mode in order to employ them.

* It is our policy that if you train a feat you did not intend to, we will
not remove the feat for you and give you your feat point back. Your character
should handle such a mistake in-character. So choose feats with care!

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