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Glittering Jesters - Garl Glittergold

The Glittering Jesters are a loosely affilitated band of individuals who seek
to relate and/or imitate their god's most outrageous exploits. Many travel
from community to community, acting as performers and pranksters to the delight
of the common folk and at the expense of the pretentious and high-brow. An
elite minority of Jesters have become adventurers in the hope that their
exploits will make their way into the oral tradition, to be told and retold
for generations thereafter.

Participation in events worthy of relating as a tale is considered to be an
offering to the god. In the gnome oral tradition, the better the tale, the
more likely it is to be attributed to a great, legendary hero of the gnomes
or even to one of the gnome gods themselves. It is the quality of the tale
a deed inspires, not the accuracy of the tale or even the deed itself, by
which these offerings are judged.

To learn more information about this order, try to meet and speak ICly with
a follower of that deity. You cannot roleplay being part of such an order
without the concerned deity's agreement.

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Deity Orders Garl Glittergold
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