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Garl Glittergold

Portfolio -     Protection, humor, trickery, gem cutting,
finesmithing and lapidary, the gnome race
Aliases - The Joker, the Watchful Protector the Priceless
Gem, the Sparkling Wit
Domain Name - Dothion/the Golden Hills (Glitterhome)
Superior - None
Allies - Brandobaris, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Corellon
Larethian, Cyrrollalee, Dumathoin, Erevan
Ilesere, Gorm Gulthyn, Grumbar, Moradin,
Tymora, Vergadain, Yondalla, the gnome pantheon
(except Urdlen)
Foes - Abbathor, Gaknulak, Kuraulyek, Kurtulmak, Urdlen,
the goblinkin pantheons
Symbol - a small gold nugget on a chain
Wor. Align - LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN
Wor. Race - Any Gnome Race
Wor. Name - Garlian
Clergy Align - LG, NG
Clergy Name - Jewels
Faith Manager: Deity Managed

Garl Glittergold favours the pranksters and those who humour others. He likes
his followers to help aid and protect others. He hates goblins with a
vengeance, and rewards those who deal with the smelly critters. He however is
upset when his followers flee from a goblin rather than take them out.

Followers of Garl Glittergold may use their high favor to supplicate (see
help supplicate) for recall to a safe haven and resurrection. If they are
extremely holy, they may ask for and receive artifacts of Garl Glittergold.

Dogma: While life may sometimes be hard, it is important to keep a sense of
humour and always welcome opportunities for laughter and delight. Communities
are forged through the cooperation and communal spirit of a group of individuals
who work and play together. The strength of a community is the cooperation that
binds individuals into more than the sum of their contributions. A great prank
can help to lighten hard times and make good ones shine: those who are in
authority should never take themselves too seriously, or they lose touch with
those they direct and care for. Teach and preserve the tales and traditions of
the Forgotten Folk, so that they are never forgotten among their own kind. Do
not fear change or the unorthodox, for therein lies the future. Finally, in all
things, do what works.

Garl sponsors two special orders: (no paladins)
Companions of Arumdina - A military order of fighters and clerics. They
are dedicated to protecting the gnomish communities in the kingdoms.

The Glittering Jesters - A band who seek to relate and/or imitate their god's
outrageous exploits. Many travel from place to place acting as performers and

For more information on this deity we recommend:
Please ignore all 4th edition and later information.

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