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Portfolio -     Stone, the deep underground, the Underdark,
mining, the svirfneblin
Aliases - Deep Brother, Master of Stone, Lord of Deepearth,
the Deep Gnome
Domain Name - Dothion/Deephome
Superior - Garl Glittergold
Allies - Clangeddin Silverbeard, Cyrrollalee, Dumathoin,
Eilistraee, Grumbar, Psilofyr, Shevarash,
Urogalan, Vergadain, the gnome pantheon
(except Urdlen)
Foes - Blibdoolpoolp, the Blood Queen, Deep Duerra,
Diinkarazan, Diirinka, Great Mother, Gzemnid,
Ilsensine, Ilxendren, Laogzed, Laduguer,
Urdlen, the drow pantheon (except Eilistraee)
Symbol - a golden amulet set with a ruby star
Wor. Align - LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN, NE, LE
Wor. Race - Any Gnome Race
Wor. Name -
Clergy Align - NG, LN, N, CN, NE
Clergy Name - The Smoothed
Faith Manager - Deity Managed

Callarduran Smoothhands is the gnome god of the depths of
Faerun. He is the patron deity of svirfneblin(deep gnomes),
but his story is not one of exile. He voluntarily led the
ancestors of the svirfneblin underground.

The faithful of Callarduran gain favor by aiding others with
magic, respecting the corpses of the dead, and through craft
and making new things.

For more information on this deity we recommend:
Boyd, Eric. "Demihuman Deities." Lake Geneva: TSR, 1998
Please ignore all information from AD&D 4th Edition or newer sources
and understand that Forgotten Kingdoms has its own mythos that often
diverges from "canon" sources.

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Deep Gnome Dogma of Callarduran Earth Domain
Garl Glittergold Gnome Domain List of Deities
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